Environmental Analysis

H. T. Harvey & Associates has been preparing sound biological analyses for California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documents since the passage of these laws. With the addition of our Hawai‘i office, we now also deliver equally exceptional service in support of Hawai‘i Environmental Policy Act (HEPA) compliance.

With an established reputation for applied science, and track-record of crafting successful mitigation measures, our team delivers analyses and recommendations that inspire confidence in decision-makers, reviewing agencies and individuals.

We have created the biological sections for thousands of EIRs and initial studies, assessing the impacts for a wide variety of project types. These range from county general plans affecting hundreds of thousands of acres, to bridge crossings and small developments, which have potential impacts on specific species. On large projects, we serve as a subcontractor to environmental planning and engineering firms and prepare the biological elements of documents. For smaller projects with a clear biological focus, we develop documents as the prime contractor.

H. T. Harvey & Associates expertly guides clients through the CEQA, NEPA, and HEPA processes by delivering the following services:

  • Conducting reconnaissance surveys
  • Analyzing environmental challenges during the conceptual design and planning phase
  • Preparing environmental assessments
  • Preparing the biological resource sections of EISs and EIRs
  • Coordinating among agencies and facilitating public notification and involvement
  • Stewarding projects to the issuance of final findings and a decision, while meeting disclosure standards
  • Assisting state and federal agencies in implementing strategic joint planning efforts, including preparation of joint compliance documents
  • Providing third-party technical review of others’ assessments and reports

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