The Presidio of San Francisco is a National Historic Landmark District, encompassing nearly 1500 acres, including more than 800 acres of open space and 145 acres of native plant communities. The area’s ecology is unique, as is its social and political context. The Presidio supports vibrant community groups, passive and active recreational uses, and historic, cultural, and natural resources. Within this exceptional setting, and in close proximity to human uses, are habitats for 14 rare plant species and numerous special-status wildlife species.
Our success at the Presidio is based on facilitating collaboration amongst varied interest groups.Through our expert landscape architecture and ecological consulting services, we build consensus around solutions for site challenges that center on natural resources and human uses. Our services: environmental analysis, conceptual restoration planning and design, construction documentation, regulatory permitting guidance, construction oversight and permit compliance monitoring, and long-term vegetation monitoring. We successfully applied these services to more than 20 different sites covering nearly 100 acres of native habitat, including dune, dune scrub, coastal scrub, serpentine grassland, freshwater wetland, riparian, oak woodland, and historical forest. Our designs have incorporated public access and trails, cultural and historical interpretive features, and the Presidio Trust’s goals for environmental education.
In support of the Presidio Trust’s numerous restoration projects, we conducted extensive soils, vegetation, wildlife, watershed, and ecosystem function investigations and analyses across the Presidio’s sensitive and unique habitats
Principal, Landscape Architecture
Principal, Restoration Ecology
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