Dr. Sharon Kramer, principal and marine renewable energy team lead, and Amy Sparks, regulatory specialist, are attending the Association of Environmental Professionals meeting on April 6–9 in Oxnard, CA. Dr. Kramer is on a panel addressing “Environmental Impacts and Mitigation: Seabirds and Marine Mammals”.
We’re sponsoring the annual SERCAL Conference (April 21–23 in Sacramento, California). Ryan Hegstad, senior restoration ecologist, is chairing a session on Sycamore Alluvial Woodland restoration. Members of our landscape architecture and restoration ecology groups will also be there, including Joe Howard, Charles McClain, and Kate Drake.
Erica Escajeda, marine mammal ecologist, coauthored “The acoustic presence and migration timing of subarctic baleen whales in the Bering Strait in relation to environmental factors” published in Polar Biology.
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