Our Professionals

Jane Lien, B.S.

Senior Ecologist 2,
Wildlife Ecology

Jane Lien is a senior wildlife ecologist and project manager in the wildlife ecology group in our San Francisco Bay Area office. In her decade of experience as a wildlife ecologist, she has worked with a broad array of special-status wildlife species found in Northern California. Her knowledge of the regulatory requirements for these species allows her to effectively contribute to a variety of client projects including ESA/CESA consultations, CEQA/NEPA biological resource assessments, special-status species surveys, bird-safe design assessments, nesting bird and raptor surveys and monitoring, and construction implementation/permit compliance. She is skilled at species survey and compliance techniques and has served as a designated biologist for California red-legged frog, California tiger salamander, and Alameda whipsnake.

Jane received a B.S. in Fisheries and Wildlife Science from Oregon State University.

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