Dr. Jeff Smith is a senior wildlife ecologist and ornithologist, with particular expertise in raptor biology, ecology, and conservation with more than 30 years of experience. His raptor expertise he brings to our involvement with renewable energy projects greatly improves our ability to determine the effects of these projects on raptors and identify the most effective measures to mitigate these effects. Jeff assesses and mitigates impacts on wildlife, develops monitoring plans and conservation strategies, and prepares information for CEQA and federal permitting documents for clients. He develops and implements initial constraints analyses, site characterization studies, baseline surveys, general bird and bat conservation strategies, eagle conservation plans, deterrent strategies, and postconstruction bird and bat monitoring programs for wind, solar, and other utility and energy-related facilities.
Jeff received a Ph.D. in wildlife ecology from the University of Florida; an M.S. in biology-ecology from Utah State University; and a B.A. in zoology from the University of California, Santa Barbara.
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