Our Professionals

Robin headshot

Robin J. Carle, M.S.

Wildlife Ecology

Robin is a principal and ornithologist in our wildlife group with 20 years of experience. She has extensive experience with the biology and habitats of common and special-status wildlife species in the greater Bay Area. Robin’s accumulated knowledge of local wildlife species and their habitats has allowed her to contribute in-depth knowledge of species’ biology to a variety of environmental documents. She is well-versed with the regulatory requirements of CEQA as it relates to the preparation of environmental documents, and has a strong understanding of the state and federal Endangered Species Acts, which allows her to prepare effective environmental documents that fully satisfy the regulatory requirements of the agencies that issue discretionary permits.

Robin received an M.S. in Fish and Wildlife Management from Montana State University and a B.S. in Ecology, Behavior, and Evolution from the University of California, San Diego.

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